1. My personal story- my eating disorder. I battled Anorexia for about a year when I was 19 years old. I lost about 40-50 lbs. I had absolutely no idea that I looked unhealthy or had a problem. This disorder took over my life.
2. Snapshots: Image of me when I had an eating disorder. This image is important because you can see the dramatic weight change and how much I overcame since then.

3. Artifacts: Pictures of laxatives from this time. I also have screenshots of calorie recordings that are shown bellow. All of these artifacts exemplify the ways I was affected from this disorder. As you can see, I was not getting enough calories a day. I was burning more calories than I was consuming some days.

This personal event is very common among other females and within our society. Many people struggle with this disorder throughout their own lives. Society tells us what we should look like, and because of that, eating disorders are prominent among people in our society.