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Arts Practice as Research

Why, what, and how can making art be considered as doing research?


"The capacity to create understanding and thereby critique knowledge is central to visual arts practice, and artists are actively involved in these kinds of thoughtful research processes."



-Critiquing and evaluating your own artwork and others is a form of research because it forces you to think critically and learn about processes and different complexities.

-Interpreting and making art allows us to understand new and old ways and to transform our awareness and expand our horizons to see in different ways.

-Helps understanding the knowledge and experiences of inquiry. Which is beneficial to the human capacity to intervene, interpret, and act upon issues and ideas that reveal new undersatndings.




-We can utilize art making to help us get a better awareness of ourselves and a better understanding of culture and society. This allows us to be able to think, act and change ourselves.

-Helps with debating issues in the art field.

-Allows for flexible methods and outcomes.

-Translated into other forms of research language if the purpose demands it. 



-Theories and art practices that involve art making. While you are creating, many forms of inquiry emerge.. Such as: critical and philosophical analysis, historical and cultural commentary, and educational experiences. 



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