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How do you think about utilizing arts-based letter as a means to exchange research thoughts?

Before this reading, I never considered this research method. I think it's extremely beneficial in many ways. In the letter, duo ethnography is described as "inclusive method to assist two and multiple researchers to advance their understanding through sharing the similarities and differences in dialogues".  By sharing your own opinion, you are able to see similarities and differences in your partners opinions. Specifically in sharing art as a tool. Utilizing your own art allows you to visually share and communicate. This could help with understanding a concept through the lens of art. For me, I am a visual learner. So being able to elaborate and share experiences through art is something that could benefit me as a learner. This opens a door to more insights and greater understandings.


Have you ever been challenged to your "edge of understanding/knowing/learning" and come up with a solution that you never thought about before? What was the feeling about it? Please briefly describe the experience. If you haven't had the experience, please shortly state how do you perceive the idea of "edge of understanding/knowing/learning" from the article and how can it help people transform their existing assumptions.

Personally, I was challenged to an "edge" in my own teaching practice. This was the first day of my student teaching. I was partnered with another classmate to teach Second Grade. The night before our first day, I got a text from my partner. She informed me that she will not be attending student teaching because of a death in her family. Feeling an abundance of sympathy for her and her family, I also began to panic. I was terrified of messing up... I felt like I was pushed to the "edge". I then decided to look at the positive aspects of this unfortunate situation. I came up with a solution to this problem, being that this is a great learning experience for myself as an educator. I realized that most of the time you have to teach on your feet because a lot of unexpected things happen in a classroom. Of course I was still incredibly nervous, but I felt proud of myself for looking at this situation as a learning experience.


Please list TWO questions that you want to know more about the article and state the reason why. Ask us on March 29th when Hsui skypes in!

What were some disagreements you had during this process? How did you find a mutual agreement or solve these disagreements?



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