Annotated Bibliography Research Investigation
How will you conduct your research investigation? Identify research methods or art techniques that will be used to explore your research.
I will conduct my research investigation by utilizing my revised interpretive tour strategies that I found based on my Midterm Research Project results. I will be using Qualitative Research to explore my investigation. I will be focusing on participant engagement levels by referencing direct quotes from students in my interpretive tours and documentation. ​​
2. Identify potential research, scholars, artists, etc. that will inform your work. Be specific and describe all aspects of your project. (You should review and reference from your annotated bibliographies)
I will be referencing from multiple resources for my research investigation. I will be referencing different scholarly thesis's from Chelea Conway's Participatory activities and the art museum: A case study of the columbus museum of art. (2017) and Jiayi Jin's
Museum Experience through Interpretive Devices – Cognitive Process in the
Perception of Ar(Master's thesis, Northumbria University). These thesis's will help me to compare and contrast different art institution's interpretive tour strategies specifically targeted to an art instiutuion. American Association of Museum's Excellence in Practice: Museum Education Principles and Standards also will be referenced for this. I will also reference other authors such as Nina Simon's The Participatory Museum. Santa Cruz: Museum 2.0, Andrea Fraser's Museum Highlights: A Gallery Talk and Paul Duncum's Seven Principles for Visual Culture Education. These diverse sources will help me explore the physiology and learn about different interpretive museum tour stories, which I will then apply to my own tours.
Is there any possible ethical issue you should be aware of and take care of?
Not that I can think of relating to my specific research.
Annotated Bibliography: