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Interdisciplinary Inquiry Investigation


-What inquiry do you have in your secondary field or arts? What influences or problems do you see?


      My secondary field is Art Education, but I want to focus more on Museum Education because that is what I am mostly interested in. One of my main questions in Museum Education is: How much information do viewers retain after walking through the space? I have been involved for three semesters in a row with BRAINY (Bringing Arts Integration to the Youth). BRAINY is a program in The Gregory Allicar Museum of Art with assistance from the School of the Arts departments of Visual Art, Music, Theater and Dance. BRAINY was conceived to provide arts opportunities for students from Title 1 schools in northern Colorado. I have led tours and taught art projects influenced by the work in this museum. I have noticed that these children mostly remember a few artworks that stood out to them. But, how much information about their favorite artwork do these students remember shortly after their tour? That is what I want to investigate. When I teach an art project for BRAINY, it is immediately after the tour, and it is influenced by one of the artworks in the museum that I talk about.


-How may your secondary field or arts help you to explore the inquiry?


      My secondary field can help me explore this inquiry because I would be able to conduct a research experiment while I am teaching BRAINY. I can create an art project based off of the participants favorite artwork from the tour. I will be able to scale their final work based off of how much information the participant replicated/retained from the original work. I can also interview participants about their final results. 


-What will you have to prepare in order to discover the inquiry at a deeper level?


      I prepared a Statement/photo Consent Form and a Proposal.







Statement/Photo Consent Form: 
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